Creating Break-Out Group Discussion Boards

Create To initiate Breakout Rooms, click the Actions button in the bottom left corner. Select Breakout Rooms. Select the number of breakout rooms you would like to create. Maximum number of rooms you can create is 6. Indicate the time limit for the breakout. Drag and drop names to assign them to the preferred Breakout Room. When finished, click Create. Then, learners receive an invitation to […]

Adding a Link In Announcement to Content

Add a link to content in Announcements:                       From your course homepage, go to Communications Click the arrow, and select Announcements Click New Announcements Create a title for your announcement Click on the Insert Quicklink icon Choose from your Course Materials Click Update Users will be able to click on the Link to Course Material to […]

Adding a Teaching Assistant (TA) to Course in D2L

Note: Performing this action indicates you (the instructor of record) have verified the individual has an active TA contract with SIU. Note: TA‐restricted role allows you to designate TA for specific section (s) within the same course shell otherwise TA has access to all sections in a cross‐listed course.

Adding a Participant to Course in D2L

Go to COMMUNICATION then click on CLASSLIST Click on ADD PARTICIPANTS then ADD EXISTING USER In the Search Box type either: First and Last Name, SIUdawgtag, or email address to locate the participant you would like to add to the course. Click on the magnifying glass to show results. Check the box next to the […]

Creating/Editing Announcements in D2L (MyCourses)

Creating Go to COMMUNICATION and then click on ANNOUNCEMENTS Click on NEW ANNOUNCEMENT Enter HEADLINE and CONTENT of your announcement If you would like to control the availability of your announcement: Under AVAILABILITY, you can enter a START DATE and END DATE; otherwise your announcement will post immediately and will be always available If desired, […]