How to Add Upload Content to your Course

Click on Course Content Add Module Title Ex. Week 1 or Module 1 Click Upload and Create for: Upload files video, audio, URL links, scorm packages. New Assignment New Discussion New Quiz

Grading Tool in D2L (MyCourses)

Go to ASSESSMENTS and then click on GRADES Click on SWITCH TO SPREADSHEET VIEW Here, you can manually enter grades To make this more manageable in a class with a lot of grade items, click on More Actions and then click on Hide/Show columns and you can click the specific grade items you would like […]

Give Students Special Access to Course Quiz in D2L

For a video overview of this process please see the instructional video here: Special Access for a Single Quiz Within your course in D2L, select Assessments, then select Quizzes. Select the arrow (V) next to the Quiz title and select “Edit” Select the Restrictions tab Scroll down to the Special Access section and select […]

Formatting Guidelines for Respondus 4.0 Exam Converter

The Standard Format for Importing Respondus will import multiple choice, true or false, essay, fill in blank (short answer), and multiple response questions. (In this documentation the terms “short answer” and “fill in blank” will be used interchangeably. The reason for this is to use terminology that is similar with other Respondus documentation and products.) […]

Emailing the Class in D2L (MyCourses)

Go to Communication and then click on Classlist Click on Students Check the box above your classlist to select all members of your class* Then, click the email icon above the box In the pop-up COMPOSE NEW MESSAGE window, edit the SUBJECT and compose the BODY of your email Click SEND at the top left […]

Display Current Courses on D2L Course Homepage

Creating Discussions in D2L (MyCourses)

Go to COMMUNICATION and then click on DISCUSSIONS Click on NEW Choose NEW FORUM from the drop-down menu Enter PROPERTIES of your new discussion forum, including TITLE, DESCRIPTION, OPTIONS, AVAILABILITY (Note: You only NEED to create one forum to link all your discussions to, or you can create multiple forums if that better suits the […]

Copy Your Course Content from Previous Semester in D2L

How to Re-enable Lockdown Browser for Quizzes after Copying a Course Content If you have copied a course content that contains quizzes that use lockdown browser, you will need to follow these steps to re-enable lockdown browser for the quizzes in your new course. Failing to do so will prevent the quizzes from functioning properly. […]

Creating Break-Out Group Discussion Boards

Create To initiate Breakout Rooms, click the Actions button in the bottom left corner. Select Breakout Rooms. Select the number of breakout rooms you would like to create. Maximum number of rooms you can create is 6. Indicate the time limit for the breakout. Drag and drop names to assign them to the preferred Breakout Room. When finished, click Create. Then, learners receive an invitation to […]

Adding a Link In Announcement to Content

Add a link to content in Announcements:                       From your course homepage, go to Communications Click the arrow, and select Announcements Click New Announcements Create a title for your announcement Click on the Insert Quicklink icon Choose from your Course Materials Click Update Users will be able to click on the Link to Course Material to […]