Update or Refresh Microsoft Office License

Mac These instructions apply to Microsoft Office for Mac. Open the Microsoft Word app. Click the Word menu and select About Microsoft Word. Click More Info…, then click Refresh License. Sign in with your @siu.edu email address and password. Close and re-open the Microsoft Word app. Windows These instructions apply to Microsoft Office for Windows. […]

Sign in Microsoft Office

Sign In These instructions apply to Office 365 apps. Open a Microsoft Office app (like Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) and click Sign in or create account. Sign in with your @siu.edu email address and password.

Install Microsoft Office

SIU Carbondale Computers These instructions apply to computers owned by SIU Carbondale. Mac:* see Personal Computers instructions below Windows:* Install with Software Center Sign in Microsoft Office. Personal Computers These instructions apply to computers not owned by SIU Carbondale. Uninstall all previous Microsoft Office installations, then restart your computer. Open https://aka.ms/office-install. Sign in with your […]

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Guide

To make software more readily available to current SIU students, faculty and staff, we have virtualized that software to be accessible from personal devices. Instructions Use the VMware Horizon Client to access a virtual desktop or virtual application from your personal device.  Entitlement varies by affiliation, role, department, courses, etc. 1. Install VMware Horizon Client […]

Create a Microsoft Form

Overview The Office of Information Technology (OIT) implemented Microsoft Office 365 to connect faculty, staff and students in a cloud-based service which includes a number of online services, including Teams, Outlook Web App, Office Web (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.) and SharePoint Online, just to name a few.  Another service that is included in the MS […]