
How to install Office 365 from Software Center on an SIU owned computer.

Step 1. Type Software Center on Windows search. This will open Software Center: Step 2: Inside the Software Center, find M365 Install 2021, click on it and click on Install.


How to Check Agent Status in Teams Call Queue

Navigating to Agents 1.) Open the Team that holds your Call Queue (Example: SalukiTech Solution Center) 2.) Navigate to the Teams Channel that holds your Call Queue (Example: Solution Center Support Queue). 3.) Click on the “Calls” tab within that channel 4.) Click on the Keypad Icon in the top right corner of the screen […]


Adding Subscribers from a Listserv

Listserv owners can add and Add subscribers through the Listserv site. All methods of removing subscribers are listed below to accommodate personal preference. Only the owner of a list can add or remove subscribers. Using the Listserv Website Go to ? and select Log In in the upper right. Enter your login information. Click on the List Management […]


Reporting Phishing and Scam Emails in Outlook

As technology becomes smarter, nefarious people continue to get smarter with their attempts to scam us and steal personal information. If you suspect that an email is not legitimate or seems a bit off, trust your instincts and report it to the security team. Reporting these emails is the best way to protect yourself and […]