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Spirion Identity Finder

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Information Technology Security department runs monthly scans to identify potential sensitive information on university owned computing devices.  Cireson Spirion Scan incidents are generated in Cireson.  Users are assigned as the requestor for the Cireson incident and asked to take actions to remediate all sensitive information from the computer.  This is a sample of a Cireson Incident – Spirion Scan:   

Cireson – Spirion Identity Finder

Spirion Scan: HOST – NAT5XXXXX has 64312 Unprotected Matches.  The following notification is included in the body of the incident.

Cireson Incident

Be aware some remediation actions options will result in data being permanently deleted and irretrievable.

On the host computer, identified in the Cireson Incident, the End User will open the Local Spirion App.   You can easily find the app on your computer by searching for Spirion.

Spirion App Logo
Spirion App Logo

The Spirion App will prompt the user to create a new profile password or Skip. 

Spirion Login
Spirion Login

If you choose to Skip a guest profile will be used. 

Guest Profile Prompt
Guest Profile Prompt

Check Don’t show this again and click ok.

If you choose to create enter a password, enter and confirm password.  You will receive the following popup signaling your password has been created successfully. 

Spirion Password Dialogue Box
Spirion Password Dialogue Box

Click OK.

Once your password is created the Spirion Password Vault will open.  Once you have typed the password and click ok.  Fill in the Username, Password, Location and Comment and Click Add.

Security Tools
Security Tools

Click Close.

Security Tools
Security Tools

Open the Spirion App.

Spirion Sign In
Spirion Sign In

You will be prompted for the Spririon profile password.  You can enter the password or Skip.  If you select Skip you will receive the Guest Profile pop up, check Don’t show this again and click ok.

Guest Profile Dialogue Box
Guest Profile Dialogue Box

Click Start Search Now. 

Spirion Scan Wizard
Spirion Scan Wizard

Spirion Identity Finder will initiate an ad-hoc scan that may vary slightly from the main campus audit that generated the Cireson Incident, depending on local scan configuration.

Spirion Scan
Spirion Scan
Spirion Results Wizard
Spirion Results Wizard

Once the scan is complete you will need to take remediation actions. 

  • Determine the type of information in the match and an appropriate remediation action.
  • Finally, choose the appropriate remediation task from the top ribbon area.
  • If you are unsure, or need assistance determining an appropriate course of action, please contact your Desktop Support Team.
Spirion Results Wizard
Spirion Results Wizard

The Results Wizard will assist in taking actions for remediation.  The Match column shows the potential sensitive data.  Click on each match to view the preview pane which will show additional details about the match to assist in selecting the proper remediation action.

Remediation Actions
Remediation Actions

Remediation Actions

  • Shred – Securely delete the file if it is no longer required
  • Scrub – Remove the sensitive data from the file
  • Quarantine – Move the file containing sensitive data to a separate location and shred the original
  • Recycle – Move the file to the recycle bin to delete at a later time
  • Ignore – Ignore the item if it is a false positive, or if the user does not want the item to appear in subsequent searches

Avoid marking things as “Ignore” without first verifying that the results are false positives.  If you are seeing legitimate sensitive information, it needs to be remediated (preferably removed entirely).

Cireson Ticket Resolution

Once all findings have been remediated for the host, you will need to update your desktop support area with a brief description of the resolution steps taken.  They will be responsible for updating and “Resolving” the Cireson Incident. 

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