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How to add an SIUC departmental printer

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To access a printer on campus, submit a request via the Printer Access Request Form.

You may receive a pop-up window like the one shown below. If so, click “Fix connection” next to both options and then click Allow.

Select the printer from the drop-down menu.

A screenshot of a computer screen

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Click the Submit button. The Administrative Assistant (or other designated contact for the department) will be notified. This contact will either approve or deny your request.

A red rectangle with white text

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When your request is approved (or denied) you will receive a notification in Microsoft Teams, as well as an email.

a. Approval in Microsoft Teams

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If you are signed into Microsoft Teams, the approval will pop-up briefly on your screen. If you miss the pop-up, you will still have a notification in the Activities section in Teams.

Simply click the bell icon in the top left corner labeled “Activity.” Click on the approval item from your list of Activities you would like to see all the details shown in the previous image.

A screenshot of a phone

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b. Approval in Outlook

A screenshot of a computer

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Once your request has been approved, you can add the printer to your device. To do this, click the Windows search bar in the bottom of your screen.

Type in “Printers,” then select the Printers & Scanners option that appears.

Click the Add Device button in the top right corner of the screen.

A drop-down menu will appear with “USB or Network” as the default option. Click on the drop-down to access additional options. 

*If the drop down does not appear, click the “Search for Devices” button*

Select the Work or School option.


The printer you requested access for should now appear. Click on the Add device button next to the printer’s name to install it. If it doesn’t appear, please contact SalukiTech at 618-453-5155 for assistance.

The printer should now be added to your device and ready to print!

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