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D2L Course Merge Guide

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The Course Merge tool is designed to streamline the process of merging and unmerging courses within D2L. You will only see the courses for which you are listed as instructor of record. This tool is accessible through the Admin Tools menu, specifically under the SIS Course Merge option.

This is the bullhorn icon used for warnings.

Warning: Before you merge or unmerge courses, consider the implications of the action, including potential risk of data loss caused by user actions. Use caution to prevent any unintended loss of content or user progress during the merging process.

To merge courses

  1. In the Admin Tools menu (gear top right), click SIS Course Merge.
  2. Use the filters or Search to browse to and select the courses you want to merge.

Use the filters or browse to find and select the courses you want to merge. Figure: Search for and select the courses that you would like to merge.

  1. Click Merge Courses.
  2. Select the course that you would like to merge selected courses into.

Use the filters or browse to find and select the courses you want to merge. Figure: Select a course to merge into from the Merge Courses page.

  1. Click Merge. The selected courses are merged.
This is the bullhorn icon used for warnings.

Warning: Before you merge or unmerge courses, consider the implications of the action, including potential risk of data loss caused by user actions. Use caution to prevent any unintended loss of content or user progress during the merging process.

To unmerge courses

  1. In the Admin Tools menu, click SIS Course Merge.
  2. Next to a course that you want to unmerge, click View merged courses.
  3. From the Merged Courses page, select the courses you want to remove from the merged course shell.

Clear the checkboxes to unmerge courses. If you clear the parent course into which the other courses are merged, all courses are unmerged
Figure: Select the checkboxes to unmerge courses. If you select the parent course into which the other courses are merged, all courses are unmerged.

  1. Confirm your selections and click Unmerge.

The unmerge action re-activates the original section and course offering and re-enrolls users into the original course and section.

Review all course merge actions with the Audit Log

The SIS Course Merge Audit Log enhances your tracking and understanding of course merge activities with detailed merge and unmerge logs, user information, action timestamps, advanced search options, and expandable log entries for in-depth information.

To access the Audit Log

  1. From the Admin Tools menu, click SIS Course Merge.
  2. Click the Audit Log tab and do any of the following:
  • Review all SIS Course merge actions under the Action column.
  • Search for specific actions.
  • Filter action results.

Need Help?

  • D2L Support: Get assistance 24/7 via live chat or the hotline at 888-877-3281.
  • Request Course Merge Services: Submit a request directly at
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