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Install ArcGIS CityEngine

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Install ArcGIS CityEngine for your University-owned and personal computers.

University Computers

These instructions apply to computers owned by SIU Carbondale for academic use:
* Teaching and Learning
* Academic Research
Install ArcGIS CityEngine for Windows (Academic Use):
Microsoft Software Center

Personal Computers – Windows

These instructions apply to Windows computers.
Uninstall all previous ArcGIS CityEngine installations, then restart your computer.
Open the ArcGIS CityEngine email invitation from Software Licensing Team, then click Open to download the installer.
If your web browser warns it is unable to preview the file, click Download. Do not click Open!
Open the downloaded installer and follow the installation prompts.
Destination Folder for Files:
* Click Next.
Installation files have been successfully extracted to your computer:
* Check Launch the setup program.
* Click Close.
Welcome to the ArcGIS CityEngine Setup program:
* Click Next.
Master Agreement:
* Select I accept the master agreement.
* Click Next.
Destination Folder:
* Click Next.
Ready to Install the Program:
* Click Install.
ArcGIS CityEngine has been successfully installed:
* Click Finish.
ArcGIS Administrator Wizard:
* Select CityEngine Named User.
* Click OK.
ArcGIS Administrator:
* Click OK.
Upon successful installation, sign in to activate:
Sign In/Activate ArcGIS CityEngine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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